🧵We've had some tech issues over the summer that have slowed us down a tad bit, but we're back with a fresh newsletter to bring you some belated updates on our activities!


Some highlights below:

You might have noticed the DRL website is down. We're working hard to fix the issue and we'll hopefully be back up and running ASAP!

If you missed our Seminar Series on 19th century, British Women Philosophers, you can now catch up on all the talks on our YouTube channel!

Thanks again to Alison Stone for organising, and to all the speakers for their wonderful contributions!

The @MAPCosmopolitan Taskforce for Gender Minorities (https://genderminorities.weebly.com) is organising a reading group on Trans Philosophy during the summer months!

Deadline to sign up is midnight May 29th. Find more info, and how to sign up, via this form:

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