The contention raised in this research is to showcase that indigenous African languages are imperative tools in advancing African philosophy and thought. By extension the genuiness and originality of African…
Exorcising Hegel’s ghost: Africa’s challenge to philosophy
…point come upon the presence of a peculiar absence: the absence of Africa from the discourse of philosophy. In the basic areas of philosophy (e.g.. epistemology, metaphysics, axiology, and logic)…
Introduction: What Is Feminist Philosophy of Mind?
McWeeny and Maitra motivate the adoption of a feminist perspective in contemporary debates within the philosophy of mind to further illuminate the nature of conscious experience. They argue that the…
Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666)
Publisher’s Note: Margaret Cavendish’s 1668 edition of Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, presented here in its first modern edition, holds a unique position in early modern philosophy. Cavendish rejects the Aristotelianism…
History and Dialectic (Metaphysics A3, 983a24–4b8)
…is mostly taken from the sophist Hippias’ account of Hippo, and that his account of Presocratic monism is more ambiguous than usually appreciated, and influenced by earlier readings as well….
Kaupapa Māori, Philosophy and Schools
Abstract: Goals for adding philosophy to the school curriculum centre on the perceived need to improve the general quality of critical thinking found in society. School philosophy also provides a…
Iris Murdoch, Gender, and Philosophy
…and feminism, drawing upon the evidence of her fiction, philosophy, and other public statements. As well as analysing Murdoch’s own attitudes, Iris Murdoch, Gender and Philosophy is also a critical…
On the Interface of Philosophy and Language in Africa: Some Practical and Theoretical Considerations
…confront this predicament without success, the contention here is that Africans cannot continue to philosophize sine die in European languages and according to European models of philosophy as if African…
Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy
…parallel to the three Critiques of Immanuel Kant. In fact, while she began work on The Life of the Mind, Arendt lectured on “Kant’s Political Philosophy,” using the Critique of…
Zhuangzi and the Obsession with Being Right
Since Zhuangzi laments the human obsesssion with being right, he would be highly amused at the scholarly obsession with being right on the meaning of his text, especially on the…