…called Ezumezu which he believes would ground new methods in African philosophy and studies. He develops this system to rescue African philosophy and, by extension, sundry fields in African Indigenous…
Expanding the Canon of Scottish Philosophy: The Case for Adding Lady Mary Shepherd
…after Kant, does not fit the standard periodisation of early modern philosophy presupposed by many philosophy courses, textbooks, and conferences. This paper argues that Shepherd should be added to the…
The Philosophy of Logic
…– what makes its truths true? how do we come to know the truths of logic? A taxonomy is approached by beginning from well-known schools of thought in the philosophy…
The role of African languages in African philosophy
Introduction: Since the beginning of the development of the corpus of African philosophical writing, African philosophy has been written exclusively in European languages. African philosophers write in English, in French,…
Making Sense of Emergence
…emergentism failed to become a visible part of mainstream philosophy of science because philosophy of science was, at the time, shaped by positivist and hyper-empiricist views that dominated Anglo-American philosophy….
Philosophy and the sciences after Kant
Summary: In this article Massimi discusses the important role that history and philosophy of science plays or ought to play within philosophy. The aim of the paper is to offer…
A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy
…and philosophy. They reveal that there is much more in Gödel’s philosophy of mathematics than is commonly believed, and more in his philosophy than his philosophy of mathematics. Wang writes…
Africa and the Unfolding of Difference: An Introduction
…of the unfolding of African philosophy as an academic discipline and the unfolding of many lived experiences in African spaces both in Africa and in the Diaspora. Hence, African philosophy…
It’s not Them, it’s You: A Case Study in the Exclusion of Non-Western Philosophy
Abstract: My purpose in this essay is to suggest, via case study, that if Anglo-American philosophy is to become more inclusive of non-western traditions, the discipline requires far greater efforts…
Gottfried Leibniz: Philosophy of Mind
…from lower animals. Relatedly, the acknowledgment of unconscious mental representations and motivations enabled Leibniz to provide a far more sophisticated account of human psychology. It also led Leibniz to hold…